The Village (itch) (Silversun Studio) Mac OS

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  1. The Village (witch) (silversun Studio) Mac Os X
  2. The Village (itch) (silversun Studio) Mac Os Download

The evil and foreboding force is so unnerving that none dare venture beyond the borders of the village and into the woods. But when curious, headstrong LUCIUS HUNT plans to step beyond the boundaries of the town and into the unknown, his bold move threatens to forever change the future of the village. Create a village starting from the ground up and prepare for the upcoming natural disasters. Choose materials according to their properties and create buildings inspired by authentic medieval construction techniques.



Creator of

Build your village and survive against the storms

Recent community posts

Seeds of Resilience community · Posted in Bug Reports
Seeds of Resilience community · Posted in Bug Reports

Thanks for your report. Thanks to you and another player which pointed other elements, I've corrected this bug, it will be fixed with patch 0.16.15 which I should release in a couple hours.

Seeds of Resilience community · Posted in Stuck on Loading Bar

Apologies. It seems we had a problem in our command-line build tool (which was working well before, I still don't know what happened).

It should be working now!

Seeds of Resilience community · Replied to Gibouille in Bug Reports

Je n'ai pas de Mac pour vérifier mais d'après ce que j'ai trouvé sur le net ça devrait être dans ~/Library/Application Support/Subtle Games/Seeds of Resilience
Comme indiqué sur la page du jeu, il est en cours de développement. Tu peux jeter un oeil à notre roadmap ici :

Seeds of Resilience community · Replied to Gibouille in Bug Reports

Sous Windows c'est dans C:UsersAppDataLocalLowSubtle GamesSeeds of ResilienceSaves

(pense à remplacer username par ton nom d'utilisateur)

Seeds of Resilience community · Replied to Gibouille in Bug Reports
Seeds of Resilience community · Replied to Gibouille in Bug Reports

Ok, étrange comme bug, je vais tenter de le reproduire de mon côté. Merci !

Seeds of Resilience community · Replied to NextZenMechanics in How to request a Steam key


I don't have access to your email in my sales report. Can you please email me?

Seeds of Resilience community · Created a new topic How to request a Steam key
2 years ago(1 edit)

The game is now on Steam! All buyers can request a Steam key. The method depends on how you get the game:

  1. You bought it on It's with the downloads (you can follow this guide:
  2. You bought the game directly from us (like at the Stunfest):
    1. Go to your purchases:
    2. Click Download under Seeds of Resilience
    3. Copy the full url from the adress bar of your browser
    4. Please email us providing this url AND your account name.
  3. You are an influencer and we gave you a key: Just send us an email
Seeds of Resilience community · Replied to Kaphen in Bug Reports

Thanks for these additional details, I'm pretty sure to fully understand the problem now. Will be fixed soon.

Seeds of Resilience community · Replied to Oaccc in Bug Reports

Hey guys, I've found a quick fix (it worked for 2 people, I hope it will work for you as well). I probably have found the cause of the bug as well, but before I correct it you can try the following :

- Launch the game

- Open the Options window (press escape then click options)

- Press Back

It should work, even if you exit and restart the game. Tell me if it doesn't.

Seeds of Resilience community · Replied to Oaccc in Bug Reports
2 years ago(1 edit)

Thanks Oacc, next time you can simply copy-paste the text file content in your post.

It might be related to your resolution, which are you using ? (Xam1d if you can tell me your resolution too, it might help me to reproduce the bug)

Seeds of Resilience community · Posted in Mac OS Installation

Hi, Cyber punk vs. leviathan mac os.

I'm not a Mac user and I'm not sure how it works; I've made a change to the zip you download from, can you please download it and tell me if it works?

The zip should now contain a 'Seeds of' folder. I had a friend test it on her Mac and it worked.

Seeds of Resilience community · Replied to Oaccc in Questions / FAQ
2 years ago(1 edit)

Right now it's not possible, but I'm going to think about adding this 'feature'

Seeds of Resilience community · Replied to Edvardanton in Bug Reports
2 years ago(1 edit)

I believe this has been fixed in the last build, I'm going to double-check

Seeds of Resilience community · Replied to Oaccc in Bug Reports

Unveil (itch) (klaatu) mac os. Hi, sorry for the delay. Other players don't seem to have this problem, and I can't reproduce it myself either. Could you please send me the log file ?

Cosmic traveller mac os. It should be located here (replace USERNAME by your username):

C:UsersUSERNAMEAppDataLocalLowSubtle GamesSeeds of Resilienceoutput_log.txt

Seeds of Resilience community · Posted in Idea Voting?

Hello! You can already vote on the roadmap, you just have to create an account on trello.

Seeds of Resilience community · Posted in Best Way to Get Dev Feedback?

Sorry for the delay, I had some health problems that prevented me to use the computer. Discord is the best place, but I check usually check formus every day too.

Seeds of Resilience community · Replied to Tiberius1OOO in Suggestion Box

Hey, sorry for the delay. New update might fix your problem, if this isn't the case I'll be glad to take a look over teamviewer! Thanks

Seeds of Resilience community · Replied to Tiberius1OOO in Suggestion Box

Ok I haven't tested 4K screens yet (I don't have any), I'll try to fix it anyway! Thanks for the report

Seeds of Resilience community · Replied to Tiberius1OOO in Suggestion Box
Seeds of Resilience community · Replied to monkeyengineer in Bug Reports

Thanks for the reports!
The strapping should not be visible yet, I'll remove it for now

Seeds of Resilience community · Replied to Tchey in Questions / FAQ
Seeds of Resilience community · Posted in Are Tool Assignments Necessary?

You have a good point here.

Right now there are only two different axes: the rudimentary and the bronze one. Bronze one is way more efficient (harvesting time is reduced). There will be other metal axes but they will not be more efficient, only last longer.

The question is, if we remove tool assignment, which tool will the game automatically choose? Maybe you'll want to keep the good axe for oak trees (which are long to cut down) and use the worst one for fir trees.

Also, suppose you have a bronze axe with 1 use remaining and a rudimentary axe. Suppose the game choose to use the bronze axe first. You select a fir tree and it shows 2 hours of work required. Then you select another fir tree and now it's 4 hours required. Maybe it's ok, but so we need to display some information.

Seeds of Resilience community · Replied to Gotrek65 in Bug Reports
Seeds of Resilience community · Replied to Xam1d in Questions / FAQ

Yes this is planned. A quarry for stone and a mine for ore. The mine will have to be placed on an ore vein.

Seeds of Resilience community · Replied to marshall6653 in Questions / FAQ

Oh, sorry I misunderstood. This is coming in the next update, trees will spawn seeds (chestnuts, pinecones and acorns) all around them.

Seeds of Resilience community · Replied to Xam1d in Suggestion Box

Yes we'd love to have seasons. As you say it would required lot of new art, but I think we'll do it anyway, just don't know when. Also we'd had to redefine when the plants grow and make fruit, and it would make a lot more sense.

Animal reproduction would also occur at a certain time of the year, as well as some disasters (for example lightning storms are more frequent in summer).

Winter would be a hard period with less food to gather and firewood to consume to stay warm.

Seeds of Resilience community · Replied to marshall6653 in Questions / FAQ

There should be zucchini and tomato seeds in the craft menu ; the idea is to extract seeds from a fruit which is consumed in the process.

Seeds of Resilience community · Replied to Xam1d in Questions / FAQ
Seeds of Resilience community · Replied to Xam1d in Questions / FAQ

I know it would be great but right now I'm not sure I will have time to manage modding. As for opensource, well.. maybe one day?

Seeds of Resilience community · Replied to Ascheherz in Questions / FAQ
2 years ago(1 edit)


(I'm working on it)

Seeds of Resilience community · Replied to Tiberius1OOO in Questions / FAQ
Seeds of Resilience community · Replied to Xam1d in Bug Reports

Awesome! If you prefer we also have a discord server:

Seeds of Resilience community · Replied to AppealingAlarm in Questions / FAQ
Seeds of Resilience community · Posted in Bug Reports

Thank you very much Xam1d for all the reports. I've corrected some problems, I'm pushing a build right now.

- Dragging people in houses should be possible again (pink squares were out of the screen)

- For the sticky objects when you do Win+Tab, press the T key to remove them (I'll fix it later)

- The left keys were Z-Q-S-D as I use a French keyboad. I've change it to W-A-S-D. I have to add in-game key binding options very soon!

- I'll dig into the loading error tomorrow

Seeds of Resilience community · Replied to AppealingAlarm in Questions / FAQ

Apparently there's a bug, I'm working on it right now

Seeds of Resilience community · Created a new topic Questions / FAQ
2 years ago(4 edits)

Here is a small FAQ, feel free to ask any question that is not in the list.

Q: Will there be any Mac / Linux support ?

A: Yes! This is planned for late June.

Q: Can I get a Steam key if I buy the game on ?

A: Yes! Steam keys will be available as soon as possible (probably a few days after the steam release).

Q: Is or will there be Multiplayer?

A: No, the game is and will remain singleplayer.

Q: Is there a roadmap? Which features will be implemented?

A: Yes!

Q: When can I vote for ideas on the roadmap?

A: You can vote when you want, just connect to your trello account (or create one if needed), then click on a card and you'll see a button to vote.

Seeds of Resilience community · Replied to Xam1d in Suggestion Box

Yes, there will be Mac and Linux support, that should be added in a few weeks.



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The Village (itch) (Silversun Studio) Mac OS

A mobile game designed for much more

Board on a long journey, where to survive you must manage a complete profile, unlock a big skill tree and choose your strategy wisely in each stage.

In this indie game, you will find wild stages with an elaborate menu system that will satisfy the most experienced players. Everything with a traditional and beautiful art design.

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Arcade and narrative anywhere

We will take control of Hanzo, a young ninja who will have to overcome different stages defeating his enemies.

You will have at your disposal a complete map with intense stages, where you will face to countless waves with difficult enemies that will test your skills and reflexes.

Help Hanzo defeat the Boss that awaits you at the end of each area!

Coming soon…

Arcade and narrative anywhere

We will take control of Hanzo, a young ninja who will have to overcome different stages defeating his enemies.

You will have at your disposal a complete map with intense stages, where you will face to countless waves with difficult enemies that will test your skills and reflexes.

Help Hanzo defeat the Boss that awaits you at the end of each area!

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Your favorite links always with you

The Village (witch) (silversun Studio) Mac Os X

iLinks makes your day more productive. Quickly save any type of link, using a card system in a visual and customizable way.

Manage all your links in a clear, orderly and in one place. Thanks to the card system, you can see all the information of each link quickly.

Multiple functions: tags creation, advanced search, usage statistics, fonts customization, dark mode, filters…

The Village (itch) (silversun Studio) Mac Os Download

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Powerful and easy to use, Mutigraphics Button Pro uses an efficient array to incorporate as many graphic elements as desired, providing an incredible flexibility when designing buttons

Your favorite links always with you

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A mobile game designed for much more

Board on a long journey, where to survive you must manage a complete profile, unlock a big skill tree and choose your strategy wisely in each stage.

In this indie game, you will find wild stages with an elaborate menu system that will satisfy the most experienced players. Everything with a traditional and beautiful art design.

Will you be able togo into the universe of Bubble Quest?

Arcade and narrative anywhere

We will take control of Hanzo, a young ninja who will have to overcome different stages defeating his enemies.

You will have at your disposal a complete map with intense stages, where you will face to countless waves with difficult enemies that will test your skills and reflexes.

Help Hanzo defeat the Boss that awaits you at the end of each area!

Coming soon…

Arcade and narrative anywhere

We will take control of Hanzo, a young ninja who will have to overcome different stages defeating his enemies.

You will have at your disposal a complete map with intense stages, where you will face to countless waves with difficult enemies that will test your skills and reflexes.

Help Hanzo defeat the Boss that awaits you at the end of each area!

Coming soon…

The ultimate button solution for Unity 3D

Multigraphics Button Pro is the ultimate button solution for Unity. It's the perfect replacement for Unity's UI Button.

Powerful and easy to use, Mutigraphics Button Pro uses an efficient array to incorporate as many graphic elements as desired, providing an incredible flexibility when designing buttons.

Your favorite links always with you

The Village (witch) (silversun Studio) Mac Os X

iLinks makes your day more productive. Quickly save any type of link, using a card system in a visual and customizable way.

Manage all your links in a clear, orderly and in one place. Thanks to the card system, you can see all the information of each link quickly.

Multiple functions: tags creation, advanced search, usage statistics, fonts customization, dark mode, filters…

The Village (itch) (silversun Studio) Mac Os Download

The ultimate button solution for Unity 3D

Multigraphics Button Pro is the ultimate button solution for Unity. It's the perfect replacement for Unity's UI Button.

Powerful and easy to use, Mutigraphics Button Pro uses an efficient array to incorporate as many graphic elements as desired, providing an incredible flexibility when designing buttons

Your favorite links always with you

Quickly save any type of link, using a card system in a visual and customizable way.

Manage all your links in a clear, orderly and in one place. iLinks makes your day more productive.

Multiple functions: tags creation, advanced search, usage statistics, fonts customization, dark mode, filters…

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